Work Experience Foundation First Graduation, Projects Presentation & Africa Tech Talk

WorkXp Foundation, an experience hub with a mission to encourage and create the next generation of professional experts and entrepreneurs launched the “Africa Tech Talk” a get-together and knowledge exchange event, where captains of the industry and youngsters meet for inspiration, exchange, and mentorship.

This event organized and led by WorkXp Foundation and various partners in the sector is the first edition of its kind.

With a mission to provide IT courses needed in the current market & to inspire and empower people to do things they never thought were possible. We aim to train 25,000 coders for the next 5-10 years. WorkXp Foundation implements a hybrid learning approach of online learning and on-site workshops.

As it was seen in today’s event, WorkXp Foundation trainees graduate with solutions addressing community challenges. It’s projected that 10 years from now WorkXp Foundation will give birth to 1250 startups from graduates of their program.

The main purpose of this event was to connect young people (youngsters) and young tech entrepreneurs starting with captains and experts in the sector to explore opportunities, possibilities, and partnerships that can be forged to advance much more quickly These kinds of skills will give a big challenge to reach on our sustainable development goals which have the power to end poverty. On top of that event is a platform we provide to young people to get visible and have them up on stage for the success of their ideas and innovations and this helps them to perform better. This event targets captains, gurus, and experts in the tech sector who are willing to share and exchange expertise with youngsters

as well as youngsters who are ready to be mentored and guided into a successful career which will help us to reach on the SDG’s Goals.

The first edition which took place on the December 19th, 2019 was a complete success. Not only the attendance was impressive but as well the speakers who talked to these young entrepreneurs and technologists were top-notch. 

It has also been a great occasion for the WorkXp Foundation to issue certificates to 38 graduate of their program who were trained for the last 6 months.

“Africa Tech Talk that was launched will continue to happen and the vision is to make it more multi-partner to have many stakeholders on board to have it grow faster and stronger.

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