The launch of the M-Pharma application took place on Friday,...
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Work Experience Foundation
Work Experience Foundation
Work Experience Foundation (WorkXP Foundation) aims to contribute effectively …….
About Us
Work Experience Foundation intensified its international partnership activities for global development since 2015, as a social change organization, that wants to contribute in an innovative way to the” Global Goals-SDG’s, adopted by the United Nations (UN – Global Goals 2015 – 2030). Within the Work XP Foundation, Global Goals are translated into the local context through a practical application of sustainable development projects and concrete actions, which make people, see and experience that the sustainable development goals are inextricably linked to our daily lives.
Civil society organizations and youth in the South play a key role in our ambition to achieve a fair and sustainable society. Together with Southern partners we identify, develop and implement innovative and sustainable projects. Read More
Multi media and capacity building
Multi media plays a major role in changing mind-sets and strengthening of civil society. Media and digital technology are in our policies, the tools to inspire people to take action on the Global Goals and smart society such as , supporting public dialogue, enhancing knowledge of ways to support sustainable development, and help hold Multi-helix partners to account for global Goals.
Empowering / Capacity Building
On the need to build capacity of human resources, we founded the so-called Work Experience Hubs. This is a place where experience to get a job & more professionalism in different domain and innovation are provided; where students and young people work on innovative project and where entrepreneurial leaders are created and start-ups are guided.
WorkXP Foundation representatives in Africa received a delegation from Eindhoven Municipality led by Deputy Mayor Marcel Oosterveer.
WorkXP Foundation representatives in Africa received a delegation from Eindhoven...
Read MoreWork Experience Foundation First Graduation, Projects Presentation & Africa Tech Talk
WorkXp Foundation, an experience hub with a mission to encourage...

The Global Goals (SDGs) are the successors of Millennium Development Goals from 2000 to 2015, adopted by the United Nations at the end of September 2015. Compliance with the Global Goals by 2030 as a spot on the horizon is not only the responsibility of governments or rich countries but of all actors in society in all parts of the world. Countries carry out SDGs at local, national and international level. They are 17 goals with 136 sub-goals that affect the existing core tasks of municipalities such as: Sustainable Production and Consumption, Employment and Participative Governance, Waste Management, Housing and Reduction of Inequality, etc …
As the sustainability agenda is also of everyone, and now that the UN Global Goals in Eindhoven are on the agenda, our Center for Innovation and Sustainable Development (Innovation and Sustainability Center), to make this global awareness policy framework of Eindhoven more insightful for the citizens.
De Stichting Work Experience Foundation ‘Work XP Foundation’ is door de Nederlandse belastingdienst erkend als Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling: ANBI
Contact Information
Work Experience Foundation (WorkXP Foundation)

KvK –nummer: 17184094
RSIN : 816847770